Rules, Regulations & Procedures

1. This Market is different from many of the other markets or shows Vendor may attend. We operate in a highly developed and manicured area. Vendor should read, be familiar with, and must be willing to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Market before coming out.

    2. After acceptance to a specific weekend, a paid fee for the Market gives the vendor a 10ft.x10ft. space at a location chosen by the Organizer, though preferred space purchasers may pick their space. Spaces are generally assigned the day of Market (except for some cases of preferred space purchasers). The space may be anywhere on Atlantic Station premises at Organizer's discretion depending on what was purchased, and will generally be near Atlantic Green or the streets adjoining it, unless noted otherwise, or in the event of space conflicts with other events. We do NOT offer tables or chairs in any official way; while sometimes we can come up with something in a pinch, it's not a standard part of the market and in no way guaranteed. Booth fees are for empty space.

      3. Please note that each and every weekend is a curated show and Market space is in high demand. Organizer may select and curate each weekend's show at their sole discretion of what is best for that show. Vendor must have a notice of acceptance for that particular weekend before paying to have secured a space. Payments made without an acceptance letter for a specific weekend will be considered Unauthorized Payments, and may either be refunded immediately or held in a TBD status until we decide the lineup for that show. Unauthorized Payments may be refunded at any time by us or upon Vendor’s timely request according to cancelation notice requirements laid out elsewhere in this agreement, or they may be accepted later at our choosing. Unauthorized payments do not entitle Vendor to market space. Payments after receiving an acceptance letter DO entitle Vendor to a space as per terms noted below and subject to correspondences sent to you. Acceptance letters may also be voided if any terms in this agreement, or term otherwise mutually agreed to by both parties, are breached. Please note Atlantic Station is private property and Organizer is under no obligation to invite a vendor to any specific number of shows or any shows at all. That said, we want to make the market great, and it's great vendors in the form of artists, crafters, creators & talented people of all sorts, like many of you, who help us do that. Among other things, we aim to have diversity in the products and people who make the market great.

        4. Upon acceptance to specific date(s) of the market, Vendor will be sent an acceptance letter specifying the allowable time to make payment for said dates. Organizer reserves the right to make reasonable changes to this for any particular Market date(s) with notice sent to the email on record for the Vendor.

          5. Vendor must remain open for business for all posted market hours (these will be sent with the load in details for each market) and generally run 11am - 9pm on Saturday, Noon-7pm on Sunday and certain applicable Fridays from 4pm - 10pm (hours may change for some weekends with notice to email of record) – Vendor is prohibited from closing early unless pre-authorized by the Organizer. Vendor agrees they will not close early or leave their space unattended (except for quick necessities).

          6. The vendor is responsible to either, provide and prepare their own tent(s) and display(s), or arrange for tent service with us. Vendors may not set up without a tent unless pre-approved to do so by the organizer (very rare). All tents must be only White canopied or Gray Canopied, be NFPA-701 fire rated (most of the good brands of tents are), and weighted (at least 35 lbs of weight per leg = 140 lbs of weight) - markets will have wind and we will enforce this rule strictly for market safety. Also note that generally slanted leg tents are not permitted. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in vendor being denied the right to set up or asked to pack up and leave. If you have weights, but not enough you can still bring them, be advised not having enough weight will often result in us force placing needed weights (if we have any available) with appropriate prorated fees due from your business; this should be pre-cleared with us, such that we may prepare to provide you with extra weight(s). NO REFUND would be due to vendor if proper weights and/or tents have not been brought or arranged for from us in advance. Where available, and only if available, as a service, organizer can provide a tent and/or weights for the vendor for a service fee; this service may be availed easily on our website when checking out by adding the relevant tent or weight service items needed to your shopping cart before checking out (or subsequently). (They have generally always been available, but we cannot guarantee availability as quantities are not inexhaustible). With service fee paid, we would provide and setup and take down tents and/or weights for the space you will occupy, as relevant.. 

            7. **Vendor must have tablecloths or coverings that cover their tables or display(s) to within 2 inches of the ground along the full breadth of all sides. Nothing should be visible under Vendor’s table or display from any side of the tent. We keep our market looking very clean**

              8. For the safety of Vendors and Customers, the latest CDC guidance related to COVID protocols should be implemented by Vendors whenever interacting with anyone at Atlantic Station. Please do your best to be sure products are clean and sanitary. 

                9. Vendors or their workers, associates, family, or anyone... may not attend and participate in the market if they have developed symptoms indicative of COVID infection, or tested positive for the same, or been exposed to someone with a confirmed or likely case of COVID within CDC Guidelines latest exposure period. In the event they have previously had COVID, or currently do, or have likely been exposed, vendor must wait full CDC Guidelines Isolation period AND additionally until after all symptoms have significantly improved/abated before returning to the market. Vendor may return earlier, in some cases, with appropriate testing results in combination with other factors. We will be very lenient in issuing refunds and honoring cancelations for those complying with this rule.

                  10. While not an absolute requirement for every vendor it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that Vendor bring appropriate white sidewalls for their tent, both to protect merchandise from inclement weather and for wrapping up the tent overnight. The Organizers, Owners, and Managers of this market assume no liability for products damaged or stolen from overnight stay or weather. Bringing a Tarp to cover Items is also highly recommended. However, No Tarps, Sheets, or other wrappings or coverings may be hung from the tent in place of appropriate sidewalls without the approval of the Organizer (we can provide sidewalls (though we do not guarantee their effective protection of your products/belongings) - they are a separate service item from the tent service [they do not come with it] - this is generally offered on site - supplies are not inexhaustible but we generally have them and will ask each Vendor if they would like some).

                    11. Vendors booth setup must have a clean and tidy appearance - No boxes, containers, trash, extra stock, unnecessary, or ancillary items of any sort are permitted to be visible after set-up time and official market open; all such items must be placed under properly skirted/covered tables or displays or removed to your vehicle or offsite. Maximum number of 3 people to operate Vendor’s business in the space (except during load in and load out)

                      12. Vendor agrees to abide by the Atlantic Station code of conduct, available to be viewed at:

                        13. Load In generally occurs in a short time window about 120-90 minutes before market opens: RECOMMENDED Vendor bring a hand truck/ dolly to get items to their space. Market is usually located around Atlantic Green. Note While it may be tempting as it is closer to many booths, parking on the light colored cement has not been allowed in the past, and you should NOT park there unless you have been specifically guided to do so by the organizers. We generally park in the blacktop/asphalt areas on East or West District Ave. and/or in loading zones on 18th or 19th Steet as necessary.

                          14. Late Arrivals for Load-In may have lost their reserved space or right to participate in that Market Day; if Vendor arrives beyond the specified Load In Time they may or may not be able to pull their vehicle into the Market area as directed by Organizer. Loading zones close to vehicles at certain times, per agreements with Atlantic Station, and these times sometimes vary. Details as to what time roads may close will generally be sent via Load-In instructions the week of the show. Late arrivals for Load In may have to carry their set up from a distance or from the parking garage - No Refunds will be available for late arrivals who are unable to be fully set up in time for market open. If Vendor arrives with less than 30 minutes until Market's official start time for that day, or the Vendor arrives with less time than it normally takes them to get setup, the Organizer will have the right to refuse entry to the Vendor with no refund or credit due for that Market day. If the the Market that week is a multi-day event, and Vendor has paid for other days, they will generally still be able to set up and sell on those days if they provide the Organizer notice that they intend to do so as soon as is reasonably possible and at least 12 hours prior to the load in time for the day they have already paid for and plan to attend. If no such notice is provided, the organizer reserves the right to offer the space to another Vendor for said day(s).

                            15. After Vendor checks in they will have 15 minutes to unload their vehicle (NOT SET UP). As soon as unloading is complete and BEFORE SET UP Vendor’s vehicles must be moved to designated parking, which is usually the parking deck unless the vehicle is oversized. Vehicles will not be permitted to remain in or around the Load In area once unloading is complete or beyond the 15 minutes allotted for unloading.

                            16. A Parking Voucher, which will allow the Vendor free parking in the parking      deck for that day, will be provided for one vehicle per booth per day at the end of the day. Once Vendor has checked in and unloaded items to their space, it's recommended to immediately proceed to underground parking. Entrances can be found in many places including at the rear of the property behind Regal Cinemas. Take a normal ticket when entering the parking deck, the voucher can be applied to it late.

                            17. The Market is a rain or shine event. In rare cases with continual rain or known potentially dangerous conditions the Organizer may call off the markets and issue rain checks or credits.
                            Refunds requested by Vendor will only be issued if cancellation notice is sent to at least 72 hours before load-in time.

                            19. Application fees are non-refundable.

                            20. Artistic works or any vendor product or display may NOT contain any profanity or nudity (except in certain tasteful artistic cases) nor any ethnic or religious slurs, nor any vulgar material or subject matter subject to the discretion of the market organizer or Atlantic Station Management (if you have a question about a certain piece of art or item - kindly ask) - All mannequins must be clothed.

                            21. Weapons, knives, swords and the like, or any item deemed dangerous, by Organizer or AtlanticStation management, may not be sold or displayed. Illegal items, fraudulent, counterfeit, fake, knock off items, or anything which violates trademark or copyright of any other entity or person, cannot be sold. No open flames and no lit candles allowed.

                                22. Liability Insurance is recommended for all vendors, and is mandatory for certain vendors, including but not limited to vendors selling food and/or cosmetics products, face painters, and henna artists. Additionally, it is possible that any vendor, selling a unique item or having machinery, displays, services, or effects which is considered by organizer as a greater than normal risk to those at the Market, may be required to acquire and/or maintain insurance to participate in the Market. It is the responsibility of each Vendor to procure the same. Vendor further agrees that at any point in the future, the rules regarding insurance may change to include making it mandatory for more vendor categories or even all categories to have insurance. Earth and Sky Creations LLC (Organizer), its agents or representatives and Atlantic Station and all its owners, partners, managers, operators, employees, or contractors, are not responsible for any injury, damage, or loss that may occur to the Vendor, the Vendor's agents, employees, clients, customers or representatives, or Vendor’s property, from any cause whatsoever. Vendor is responsible to have or obtain insurance at their own expense for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur at the Market, including liability insurance.

                                  23. Vendors are responsible for obtaining any required licenses, permits or approvals from the state, county or city as per laws applicable to their activity at the Market and for paying any taxes (inclusive of sales tax) or fees or other charges that may be due or applicable to governing authorities.

                                  24. Sharing of booths amongst multiple businesses or Vendors is not allowed.

                                  25. No Smoking anywhere at Atlantic Station (except designated areas and garages), no lit incense or sage, coals, etc...

                                  26. No loitering inside nearby restaurants or businesses unless you are buying something or actively shopping at that business.

                                  27. No Power Generators allowed*. Power will generally be made available to Vendor, though it is not guaranteed. Vendors must supply their own extension cords as needed, a 50 foot or longer outdoor cord is required to be assured of reaching power outlets. While some street lights do exist on property, Vendor must supply their own lights for their individual space. Organizer reserves the right to limit what type of devices, machines, or items may be plugged into a particular power source. No Space Heaters is part of the official policy of the market.

                                  28. NOISE: Vendors may not operate or use any machines or devices which make excessive noise (no excessively loud fans, no boomboxes, power generators etc). Likewise vendors will not cause any form of disturbance or otherwise make loud noise unnecessarily or play music in their booths (except into headphones).

                                  29. Vendors or their workers or representatives are not permitted to walk around and solicit customers beyond arm's reach of their booth or poach other vendor’s customers by trying to divert them to their booth. Vendors may not carnival call to attract customers at a distance (more than 12 feet from their booth) - generally speaking if they are looking at your booth and within 3 steps distance it is fine to greet them and engage.

                                  30. Load Out will happen 15 minutes after markets close - so there is no reason to pack up early. No vehicles will be allowed in to Market area until that time. Vendor must have all items, displays, and tents packed up neatly, cleared from the road and parking areas and ready for loading BEFORE going to retrieve their vehicle. Vendors agree to stay open with products available until official Market close (not 5 minutes before). We request all Vendors to be loaded out approximately one hour after market close, allowing that some may take a bit longer.

                                  31. Load Out time is limited to two hours. Vendor is responsible to ensure they have fully loaded out, and removed from Market premises, all their products, displays, functional items, and all their belongings no later than two hours after the event closes.

                                  32. TRASH: Each Vendor is responsible for removing their own trash. Make sure your area is clean with no trash at all left behind, including cable ties, string and the like. Do Not stack boxes or leave trash bags next to trash cans. Do not leave anything behind as all items are your responsibility to remove (including broken displays, tents, chair and the like).

                                  33. NOTE On Photos/Video: The Organizer and Managers reserve the right to use, for promotion of the market, any photos or video taken at the market, inclusive of photos or video of Vendor or Vendor's workers, employees, products, displays etc. By agreeing to be part of the market you agree that we may use all such photos or video as mentioned for promotion of the market in any way we deem fit.

                                  34. Market Organizers or Managers may update, add to, or modify these rules at any time with notice sent to the email on record for Vendor. It is Vendor's responsibility to remain aware of and follow and abide by changes in rules and regulations. Updated Rules and Regulations will be posted on our latest website (currently

                                  35. The Market Organizer, Earth and Sky Creations LLC, reserves the right to remove any vendor for breach of this agreement. The Market Organizer may require the Vendor to pack up and leave the market premises at any time if any rules and/or regulations or procedures, statedherein, and agreed to as indicated, have been breached by the Vendor. No Refund will be due to the vendor in such an event and future dates may also be canceled or invites withdrawn.

                                  36. The final clause - Let's all work together and help each other out to make it great; cooperation and combined effort with positivity will guide our success! It's a wonderful market that we all have created together.