About Us

A brief overview of the Fun, Exciting and Lucrative Creator's Market, ongoing at Atlantic Station -
We are Celebrating and working hard to make our 9th Year the best ever! Brought to you by Earth and Sky Creations LLC

These markets are something that is Great for patrons of Atlantic Station, the City of Atlanta, and something that gives many local artists, crafters, and creators consistent opportunities to do very well doing what they love to do on most weekends of the year - we generally start in March and run through the Holidays - Projected Schedule on the Calendar and Map Page. Come be part of these fantastic markets in one of Atlanta's most premier market venues! 

-Markets will run every weekend at Atlantic Station that our space, which we lovingly call home, in or around the amazing Atlantic Green, is available (occasionally other events come up but it's most every weekend).
-Markets are scheduled to run from 11am-9pm on Saturday and from Noon-7pm on Sunday (Select Friday Shows from 4pm-10pm). Your booth must be fully set-up and open during all of those hours. 
-Handcrafted items and art are encouraged, and may be preferred, but it is not an absolute requirement
-All Creators operate in tents and must either bring their own (or they may make arrangements with us to provide - there is a service fee for that) 10x10 white top tent (or gray top), we have plenty of tents available on most weekends.
-BTW Your application doesn't commit you to every weekend, it just gets you on the approved maker list, after approval you'll get a next steps email.
-We bring something unique to Atlantic Station and look for booths and displays with character or that bring uniqueness to the market
-Creators must keep everything clean and sharp in and around their booth, everything that is not an immediate display item or product must be hidden under skirted tables (the full breadth of 4 sides skirted to the ground) 
-These markets are doing incredibly well; spaces are in high demand and we generally sell out every weekend.
-We look for creators with good attitudes who keep things clean and sharp
-We look for diversity among creators and variety amongst products at our market
-We also limit slots by category so as to prevent excessive competition in a category - means more consistent profitable market days when you come out (ie Jewelry, Soap, Candles)
-We love artistic and crafty things
-We are friendly people and will be strict about rules for the good of all - - click here for more details of Rules and Regs - by doing so it helps ensure we are able to continue to operate in one of the most preferred spaces in Atlanta and Atlantic Station Management stays happy and you make more money. If you forget that a clean and sharp appearance sells, we will remind... lol
-We look forward to seeing you Coming Out to Have Fun and make great sales and grow your business with us at Atlantic Station at one of our next markets!

By the way - we at Earth and Sky Creations have been a participant in many of the major festivals around Atlanta and know both sides of the creator's/artists/crafter's experience as well as the organizer's experience in putting on markets and shows.

We really do recommend you give these markets a try - they can be quite lucrative and have a beautiful setup. If you're even debating, realize the financial upside is probably 1,000 times bigger (or more for some) than the potential downside... if for any reason you don't sell as well as you'd like it's just a short term miss, but if you catch this market right (as many have) and rise to the top in how you do what you do the rewards go on and on and on week after week (many have already experienced this).

We also invite you to check out our Instagram to explore our vibrant markets: https://www.instagram.com/creatorsmarketas/

We look forward to working with each one of you! Here's to your future success with us! ⭐️